([dr]e)?construction no.5

3D Teapot reconstruction

Quick test of a tool I’ve been creating in Houdini.

Feed it particles and it will find any number of nearest particles. Using those, it will join the particles to any number of their nearest number of particles with lines.

That is pretty basic, but that means it’s extremely extendable. It can operate on any particle system. It inherits color and alpha (red particle connected to blue particle has a red to blue gradient line). If the particles are moving, … Read the rest

3D Minecraft Wallpaper Renders

So I think I’m getting close to mastering how to make these. I’ve gotten a lot less visual artifacts as well as a prettier render overall. It’s also making me realize how slow my machine is compared to newer machines. Maybe it’s time to upgrade (I’ll regret even thinking that once I finish my taxes).

Here’s two versions, because I comped the first one until I liked it and then forgotten I had rendered a z-depth pass. Once I added … Read the rest

Explosm: Cyanide and Happiness

Here’s something I whipped up in a couple of hours earlier this morning.

A 3D character from Cyanide and Happiness composited onto a photo

It features a 3D character from the web comic, Cyanide and Happiness. I’ve rigged him and posed him sitting on something in the scene. I used a panoramic latitude longitude image for the environment’s lighting and 3Delight using my custom shaders. Here’s a few example passes that I also rendered out to help in the composite:

The character from Cyanide and Happiness is one that I modeled … Read the rest

3Delight 3D Stereoscopy

For those of you interested in creating “3D” 3D images using 3Delight, here’s a quick little starter for you. You can render from multiple cameras at the same time in the same render pass and save LOADS of rendering time while doing it.

This post will assume that you have created a stereo camera rig in Maya.

Under your 3Delight Render Pass, change the rendering camera to be the center camera, which should be something like stereoCameraCenterShape.

Now, this next … Read the rest

Quick Kitchen

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, but I’ve been really busy. The fact that I do most of this stuff when I’m at work means that when I’m at home, I don’t want to do it that much anymore. With that said, I’ve felt the urge to start something small here. Less time spend making things means more time spent observing things, and today I wanted to create something small. I used to love making interiors, and … Read the rest