Tonight was

Pretty awesome.

I went to an old good friend’s concert (their first show). I recored the whole thing and ATM that is being captured to my other computer, then I’ll make it all nice and export which will take too damn long for what it’s worth, and then I’ll upload which will, of course, take too damn long.

On the same note, rendering of scene six of this animation is taking far too damn long. By time I got home … Read the rest

Currently Working On:


This is what I’m doing as of now. It’s a short film (animation style) of this character (Danbo). I found an image of him and looked him up and apparently it’s a character from an Anime, correct me if I’m wrong anybody.

It’s about halfway done. So far I’ve got nine different scenes (maybe four seconds long each) rigged and ready and five of which are already rendered out. I’ve still got three or four more scenes in my head … Read the rest